APA's members focus on safety

Alaska Power Association’s electric utility members place safety as their number one priority. The safety of utility employees and the public is paramount, and APA works closely with our members to support the culture of safety they have developed over the years.

Through partnership with APA’s sister company, ARECA Insurance Exchange, and through the work of the APA Safety Committee, the advancement of safety in our industry is a shared goal.

APA strives to assist our members with their needs on a broad level. By working together, electric utility employees and the public will benefit from a safe and reliable electric system across the state.

Online CPR/AED and First Aid training for electric utility employees

To help our members mitigate the risks associated with training in a classroom during the pandemic and to provide an inexpensive training option for a variety of utility employees, APA has set up certified online CPR/AED and First Aid training. The cost is $85.00 per person (if the utility has mannequins). If needed, we can direct you to resources for purchasing mannequins. The price has come down quite a bit on mannequins and they can be found for $100-$150.

For more detailed information, click the following link: Online CPR/AED and First Aid training for electric utility employees

APA’s members work in some of the harshest conditions, putting even more emphasis on safety.

No matter the time of day, APA’s members work with safety in mind. Getting the job done safely is the top priority.

APA/AIE Near Miss or Incident Reporting Form

To promote learning from each other, consider filling out the APA-AIE Near Miss or Incident Reporting Form by clicking the button below. The form is anonymous and exists to help our members learn from what could have happened during a workplace incident.

Click here to access the form