Alaska Airlines Flight Discount:

APA, in partnership with Alaska Airlines, is offering a 7 percent discount code for flights to Juneau for the APA Legislative Conference.

The discount code is ECMK086 and is good for flights the week of January 29. Visit to use the code. 

For information, contact:
Michael Rovito
APA Deputy Director

Conference Hotels:
Four Points Sheraton (closest to the conference venue) – $359 per night: Click here to book at the Four Points Sheraton
Baranof Hotel – $289 per night: Click here to book at the Baranof

APA 2024 State Legislative Conference Agenda (please note: this agenda is subject to change)

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APA Training, Workshop, and Conference Cancellation Policy – APA reserves the right to cancel any workshop, training, or conference due to low enrollment. Minimum enrollment requirements may vary from workshop to workshop or training to training depending on speaker fees and other related costs. APA will give registered attendees as much notice as possible and work with attendees on refunds or credits for future trainings or workshops.

For a full refund, written cancellations must be received 15 business days prior to the start date of the training, workshop, or conference. Cancellations received 7 business days prior to the start date of the training, workshop, or conference are entitled to a 50% refund. Cancellations received less than 7 business days prior to the start date of the training, workshop, or conference are not eligible for a refund. In many instances, APA has already incurred costs related to the training, workshop, or conference and the cancellation fee helps to cover those costs. Registered attendees may transfer their registration to another attendee, with notice given to APA prior to the training, workshop, or conference. If no prior notice is given, then APA will charge for any additional attendees that may be present and not previously registered. For more information contact Michael Rovito at 907-771-5711 or via email [email protected].

Virtual Event Attendance – APA, or in some cases the Instructor of the training, workshop, or conference, will take attendance. This will usually occur at the beginning of the training, workshop, or conference. It might be in the form of a voice roll call, or monitoring participants listed on the call or video platform. APA will consider each guest and phone number a unique registrant and bill the entity accordingly. For some trainings, workshops, or conferences, APA needs to capture the attendance and submit names to an accrediting institution, so the attendees receive accurate credit for the event. To accurately track attendance, please arrive on time and if you know you will be late please contact APA. If you will be calling in for a training, please state the phone number you are calling from when introducing yourself.

Virtual Training & Workshop Digital Material Etiquette – As APA conducts more trainings, workshops, and conferences in the virtual setting, please remember that digital information and links to content and trainings are intended for the sole registered attendee of a training or workshop. These materials should not be distributed unless authorized by the instructor or person presenting the information.