Alaska Power Association is excited to open registration for the APA 2025 Alaska Lineman Safety Week! APA Lineman Safety Week is a week-long training session geared toward and open to all Alaskan linemen and other electric utility personnel.

We’re teaming up with Brady Hansen from Written in Red, and Cecil Colley from NECA/IBEW, to offer this one-of-a-kind training opportunity in Alaska. A big thank you to NECA/IBEW for its major sponsorship of this event.

The event will take place at the NECA/IBEW Training Center in Anchorage on April 28-May 1, 2025. Union and non-union linemen are welcome at this training

For a list of APA member rate hotels, please contact one of the people below:

Raleigh Alexander, APA executive assistant
[email protected]

Don Maynor, AIE loss control and safety specialist
[email protected]

Michael Rovito, APA deputy director
[email protected]

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